Source: http://www.infocarne.com/noticias/2010/6/2746_mexico_conformara_un_frente_comun_defensa_ganaderi.asp
Today, Kelly has been with us. Then, Kelly has given us the instructions about the project. And Paqui has explained how to do the project at home. The project is about agriculture and stockbreeding and we have to hand in the project on Wednesday, the 12th of Jannuary. Then, Paqui has written the definition of organic agriculture on the blackboard. Afterwards, Kelly has read the introduction about the stockbreeding. Then, Enrique and I have read the types of stockbreeding. And while we have read Paqui has written a scheme about the types of stockbreeding on the blackboard. Then, some people doesn't understand the differences between traditional and commercial stockbreeding, intensive and extensive stockbreeding and stabled and semistabled systems. Afterwards, we have done the exercise 1 on page 35 orally. Finally, I have asked a question for Paqui about the project.
My project is going to be a little of stockbreeding and a little of agriculture. The steps that I follow are :
-First, I will prepare a previous scheme of my project.
-Second, I will prepare the questions that I will ask to my grandfather in Spanish.
- Third, I will change the interview in english and finally I will do the project with my questions and the steps that Paqui has given in the class.
Today is the last day of the term and the last day of the year. This class was very interesting.
Well done, Mª Luz! You´re improving everyday!
There are some small mistakes:
- In the third sentence, you wanted to say "cómo hacer el trabajo" and you have wriiten the past participle of the verb "to do". You have to write the infinitive.
- You have forgotten the final "e" in the word "extensive".
I think you could write something more about the project: what you have to do and what you have thought to do (who you´re going to interview, the ideas you have about how to present your project...). I think your post will improve even more if you add this information.
See you soon!
Hello MªLuz,
Nice journal but you've made some simple mistakes. For example:
1. You should say, "hand in the project" instead of "hand the project"
2. "People" is plural so how should you correct the following sentence, "Then, some people don't understand the differences of traditional and commercial stockbreeding, intensive and extensiv stockbreeding and stabled and semistabled systems."?
Also with this sentence you have to say, "the difference between" not "the difference of"
Well done.
Ok, I changed it and I put more things for the project.
Hello Mª Luz. Your corrections are O.K. Now it´s perfect!
One thing about the project: it´s not necessary that you translate the questions and the interview into English. It´s better that you write a report (as a summary) with all the information you´ve obtained from your grandfather. You can add more things that you consider interesting. And don´t forget to include some photographs. I´m sure you´ll write a very good report.
If I don´t see you tomorrow, have nice holidays!
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