Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Tuesday, 14th of June

Hi mates!
In less than one week we are in holidays, so today is my last time to do the journal. Let's start to review.
At the beginning of the lesson Paqui has given us the examns. She has corrected with us the exercise 2 and 4. I have obtained a good mark, so I'm happy.

Then María has asked Paqui about Franco. because Maria's grandmother told her about him. Paqui has said that during the republic women and men had the same rights while  the Dictatorship of Franco the women couldn't do anything without the consent of their spouse, divorse was not allowed and few women studied, worked and married .

Some minutes later Paqui has written on the blackboard the  ''Chronology of Spain in the 20th century''

--> Alphonse XIII (from 1903 to 1931)
--> Second Republic (from 1931 to 1936)
--> Coup D'Etat ( 18th of July1936 )
--> Civil War ( from 1936 to  to 1939)
--> Franco's dictatorship (from 1939 to 1975 )
--> Transition to democracy (from 1975 to 1982)
--> Democracy (from 1982 to present)

After that we have spoken about the ''Femenine Section''. It was a manuel that explains how women had to be  at Franco's Dictatorship.
Source: http://factoriadesociales.blogspot.com.es/2012/07/guia-de-la-buena-esposa.html

Mussolini and Hitler had the same ideas than Franco. Hirler's slogan for women was: KINDER, KIRCHE & KÜCHE (children, church and kitchen)

Suddenly my mates have started to speak about what Veet says.  ''if women don't shave, they are not women''.All of  the girls of my class have revolted. Now, there are associations created by model like Madonna against shave. Doctors don't recommend to shave your joints. All the people do this because it's fashion.

Source: http://modaellos.com/como-depilarse-las-piernas-hombres-sin-morir-en-el-intento/
Write your opinion downstairs. 

If you want to learn abour the History of Spain in the 20th century and Francoism you should read books of  historians, like ''50 causas que debes saber sobre la historia de España'' (50 causes that you have to know about the history of Spain ) & ''Bulldozer negro del general Franco''. They are not expensive, if you like that you should by one of them or both.

Source: http://www.libros-antiguos-alcana.com/ficha-50+cosas+que+hay+que+saber+sobre+historia+de+espana-gil+andres+carlos-715399

Source: http://libros.fnac.es/a1209949/Bulldozer-negro-del-general-franco

Finally Paqui started conplaining one more time about  that we only have 3h per week  and with this time she couldn't teach us the 15 units.

-sprinster - solterona
-shave - depilarse




Andrei, you have done a very complete journal.I like this part of the unit.
In my opinion, women haven't to be shaved to be women.we'll revolt againt that!!

Paqui Pérez Fons said...


I agree with Manal. This is only fashion, but it has become something almost compulsory in the Western countries. Here you have some famous women who refuse to shave:


Here you have my corrections

She has corrected with us (the) exercises 2 and 4. I have obtained a good mark, so I'm happy.

Then María has asked Paqui about Franco. because Maria's grandmother told her about him. Paqui has said that during the republic women and men had the same rights while in Franco's Dictatorship of (the) women couldn't do anything without the consent of their spouse, divorce was not allowed and few women studied, worked and remained single.

After that we have spoken about the ''Femenine Section''. It was an organization to teach women the "activities according to their sex and they edited a manual that explains how women had to be during Franco's Dictatorship.

(...) Suddenly my mates have started to speak about what Veet says. ''if women don't shave, they are not women''.All (of) the girls of my class have revolted. Now, there are some famous women like Madonna against shaving. Doctors don't recommend to shave your groins. All the people do this because it's fashion.

If you want to learn about the History of Spain in the 20th century and Francoism you should read books of historians, like ''50 cosas que hay que saber sobre la historia de España'' (50 Things You Need to Know About the History of Spain ) & '' El Bulldozer negro del general Franco''. They are not expensive, if you like that you should buy one of them or both.

Finally Paqui has started conplaining one more time about that we only have 3h per week and with this time she couldn't teach us the 15 units.

That's all. See you on Monday!