Monday, November 30, 2015
Presentation to study the French Revolution
This is the presentation we'll use to study the first part of the new unit. Have a look on it, because it includes new information that you don't have in your books:
Do you want to sing more? The French Revolution!
Here you have three songs composed by the History Teachers for Music Lovers. You will remember the singer. She's the same one who sang Fleas on rats, the song about the Black Death.
The songs cover three topics: a general overview about the French Revolution, a biography of Marie Antoinette, Louis XVI's wife, and Napoleon Bonaparte's story. I'm sure that you will remember the refrain of the first one ;)
Today in social sciences we have done the exam.
There were questions for every unit.The ones fron the 17th century were compulsary and the ones fron other units were only for the people who hadn't gave Paqui the projects or who failed them.
I had only to answer the 17th century questions. There was a question of explaining some terms and another to choose one topic and explain it, the two options were: the Thirty Years war and the English rebolutions. I have chosen the second one.
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Today in history... The death of GianLorenzo Bernini
Today, but 335 years ago, the most outstanding Baroque architect and sculptor, GianLorenzo Bernini, died.
Bernini was born on the 7 December 1598, in Naples. He was the 6th of a family of 13 brothers and sisters. When he was 8, he went to Rome with his father, and there, his skills were noticed by a lot of people, and he worked for some important people, like the nephew of the Pope, Pope Urban VII, or Pope Alexander VII. He worked with Francesco Borromini and Pietro da Cortona in the Barberini's Palace, but after he competed with them for some important works. But, among Borromini and da Cortona, Bernini was better,_self-portrait,_c1623.jpg/245px-Gian_Lorenzo_Bernini,_self-portrait,_c1623.jpg

Bernini did a lot of architecture works, for example St. Peter's Square,_Vatican_City_-_April_2007.jpg
The Church of Sant'Andrea al Quirinale
Or the palazzo Montecitorio,_Rome.jpg
He also had a lot of sculpture works, like, for example, Apollo and Daphne and much more
He died on the 28th November 1680, in Rome, and he was buried in the Bernini's family vault, along with his parents, in the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore
Thursday, November 26, 2015
26th November 2015
Hi there !! I'm Santiago and I'm going to tell you what we have done today in Social Sciences class.
First of all, we have talked about the exam, because the next Social Sciences class is the exam about the 17th century. We can be there at 8:00, so we can start the exam before the bell rings, and we'll have more time to do the exam (I hope we'd have enough time to do it)
Today we have started with Unit 3: The French Revolution, the Napoleonic Era, Liberalism and Nationalism.
We have studied something about how did the French Revolution started. It started in 1789, in the Tennis Court oath. They killed Luis XVI, the current king at that time and they proclaimed the republic. The revolution lasted from 1789 to 1815
Then, we have talked about Napoleon. Napoleon was the 1st emperor of the 1st French Empire. He started war with almost every country, but people preferred it instead of Absolutism.
Then, we have been speaking about something about Spanish Kings. We have talked about Ferdinand VII, which is possibly the worst king of the entire Hispanic Monarchy, and as Charles IV lost the crown after a conspiracy of his son, he asked Napoleon for help. Napoleon sent Joseph I to Spain to fix some things, but people didn't want him and the Peninsular War started. After that war, Joseph I (who is possibly the best king we have ever had) came back to France.
Later, we have talked about Isabella II. This was also a bad Queen. She knew she had to reign, but in the end she didn't do much . She only held the power, and at the end of her kingdom, a revolution took place. Then, Amadeus I became King, but at the end he left because he didn't want to rule over the Spaniards because they didn't do what he wanted, and he abdicated. Thus, the 1st Republic was proclaimed. This republic only lasted for a year, so... It's the same as if we haven't had any republic
And we have also talked about Thanksgiving, because today is the last Thursday of November, and therefore, today is Thanksgiving, and much more things about the USA. Paqui has told us that the main parties there don't want people to vote, because they have very strict rules, for example, they have to go voting on Thursday, they have to apply to a list like... 3 months before the date of the elections, and if you have more than 3 offences, no matter how hard they are, you can't vote.
New Vocabulary:
Syllabus- Programa de estudios
Rightist- De derechas
And that's all for today. Bye !!
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
24th November 2015
Hello! I'm Diana
Today at the beginning of the lesson Paqui has told us that today she wants to start the new unit but in the end we haven't started the next unit because we were very persistent of listening to the songs of the rest of our classmates.
Paqui has decided to play one of Eva and María's songs first. The song was about the 13 colonies and the independence of the USA. I like their song, it is a very memorable song.
Then she has played one composed by María Lucas and me. The song was about the Enlightenment, but only María sing this song (lucky me). When the song has started the class was in silence and no one could believe how good María sings. When the song has finished everyone has clapped.
The next ones to sing were Lorena and Lucía. They haven't used an audio, they have sung in front of us, I think they have been very courageous. I like their song about Enlightenment. And also all the people have clapped.
Then was Carlota, Lidia and Jorge's turn. Their song was about the Bourbons. Jorge was complainig because his voice was louder than the girls voice, so we have mostly listened to him. But Paqui have also played another of their songs, this one was about the Ancien Regime and Carlota has to sing it in front of everyone. But at the end some people of the class have also accompanyied her.
Let's talk about Andrei and Eva Lopez's turn. The song was also about the Enlightenment. In the first part of the song only Eva was singing so she was very embarrased. But Andrei sang too. Almost all the people of the class have said that he was talking not singing.
After them was Carlos and Antonio's turn. Their song was about the Enlightened Despotism. The truth is that everyone was speaking so no one have listened to their song but I thing they were happy of that because they were very embarrassed. At the end (even if they weren't listening) everyone has clapped.
Then was Irene and Santiago's song about the Ancien Regime. They weren't singing, the one that was singing was Esther.
The next ones were Sara and Manal. Their song was about the Spanish Succession War. They sing very well.
And the one of Fátima and María Muñoz was about the Ancien Regime. They used the song of Carly Rae Jensen, "Call me maybe".
And the last one was one of Fernando and Anca. The song was about the Independence of the USA. Paqui said the Fernando has a very good voice, but also the song was very funny.
It has beed a very funny class, everyone was laughing and having fun.
Bye! ;)
Monday, November 23, 2015
Monday 23rd of November
Hi! I'm María.
Today in social sciences class we have seen the reigns of Charles III and Charles IV.
First they have explained us about Charles III.
Before being king of Spain he was king of Naples for 20 years where he received the influence of enlightenment so he had enlightened ministers (Esquilache, Grimaldi, Floridablanca...). In 1766 happened the Esquilache riots: Charles III had a reform program. His prime minister started the reforms, but the privileges saw these reforms as an attack to their privileges. In 1766 Esquilache issued a decree ordering to cut out cloaks and hats to avoid criminals' impunity. These decree was the excuse used by privileged to instigate the revolt against Esquilache, taking advantage of their discontent, due to the high prices of revolt.
The consequences of these reforms were; all these reforms had a possitive effect in demography but a bad effect in economy (production increased and so did the population but the majority continued to be poor)
He also do other reforms in economy (liberalization with the trade with the indies, colonization of new lands, suport of economic societies...), in educational (creation of primary school and reform of universities), in administration (reinforcement of the authority of the king over the Church, the king declaring the honesty of all professions...) and limited the privileges of the Mesta.
At the end of the class she has explained us a little about Charles IV; he was the son of Charles IV, he wasn't able to government, at first he followed the advices of his father like had the ministers that he told him but later he did changed them.
Paqui says that he has some similarities with Jonh Charles I
Also we have listened to some of our songs about ancient regime, enlightenment, independece of USA, succesion war....
Today in social sciences class we have seen the reigns of Charles III and Charles IV.
First they have explained us about Charles III.
Before being king of Spain he was king of Naples for 20 years where he received the influence of enlightenment so he had enlightened ministers (Esquilache, Grimaldi, Floridablanca...). In 1766 happened the Esquilache riots: Charles III had a reform program. His prime minister started the reforms, but the privileges saw these reforms as an attack to their privileges. In 1766 Esquilache issued a decree ordering to cut out cloaks and hats to avoid criminals' impunity. These decree was the excuse used by privileged to instigate the revolt against Esquilache, taking advantage of their discontent, due to the high prices of revolt.
The consequences of these reforms were; all these reforms had a possitive effect in demography but a bad effect in economy (production increased and so did the population but the majority continued to be poor)
He also do other reforms in economy (liberalization with the trade with the indies, colonization of new lands, suport of economic societies...), in educational (creation of primary school and reform of universities), in administration (reinforcement of the authority of the king over the Church, the king declaring the honesty of all professions...) and limited the privileges of the Mesta.
At the end of the class she has explained us a little about Charles IV; he was the son of Charles IV, he wasn't able to government, at first he followed the advices of his father like had the ministers that he told him but later he did changed them.
Also we have listened to some of our songs about ancient regime, enlightenment, independece of USA, succesion war....
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Tuesday 19th November 2015.
Hi everybody!!
Today in Social Sciences we have reviewed what we studied the previous class about the Spanish Succession War.
We have reviewed about the development of the war and when the Emperor of Austia died, the Archduke Charles became Emperor.
The Archduke was supported by the Crown of Aragón.
Finally every sides looked for an international agreement to end the war and they signed the Treaty of Utrecht.
The Treaty of Utrecht said:
Today we have also learn about the centralized Absolutism.
Philip V was the father of Ferdinand VI, both of them with mental problems, but this didn't interfere in government.
Philip V was a bipolar king, he had a lot of mood changes; one moment he was euphoric and at other moment he had remorses and went tothe priest to confess.
A lot of changes took places during his reign:
Philip decide to adicate in favour of his first son Louis I who only reigned for 6th months.
When Louis died, Philip was forced to return to the throne.
When he died in 1746, his second son, Ferdinand VI became king.
Ferdinand only reigned for 31 years.
He (normally) was a normal peerson but when his wife died, he became crazy.
During his reign; some competent ministers worked for him like the Marquis of Ensenada and Carvajal.
The Ensenada Cadastre was a project to extend(ed) the unique contribution to Castile, but was rejected by the privileged.
The Navy was reformed to improve the control of the Indies.
When we died, his half'-brother Charles III became the king.
Charles had been king of Naples for 20 years.
At the beginning of his reign, he had problems in his government.
In 1766 there was a revolt called Esquilache Riots.
This revolt wanted to eliminated the ordinance on clothing and the lowering of staples. The ordinance on clothing was promoted by Esquilache because he thought that is a good way to preventing crimes. But after the riot, the ordinance was eliminated by Charles III.
Mood- estado de ánimo.
Euphoric- euforia
Remorse- remordimientos
Roller-Coaster- montaña rusa.
Contribution- única contribución.
Esquilache Riots- el motín de Esquilache.
Streetlights- farolas.
See you soon!!
Today in Social Sciences we have reviewed what we studied the previous class about the Spanish Succession War.
We have reviewed about the development of the war and when the Emperor of Austia died, the Archduke Charles became Emperor.
The Archduke was supported by the Crown of Aragón.
Finally every sides looked for an international agreement to end the war and they signed the Treaty of Utrecht.
The Treaty of Utrecht said:
- Philip V was the king.
- The European territories of the Hispanic Monarchy were distributed among Austria and Savoy.
- Philip V lost his right to the French crown.
Today we have also learn about the centralized Absolutism.
Philip V was the father of Ferdinand VI, both of them with mental problems, but this didn't interfere in government.
Philip V was a bipolar king, he had a lot of mood changes; one moment he was euphoric and at other moment he had remorses and went tothe priest to confess.
A lot of changes took places during his reign:
- Punishment to the Crown of Aragón; all they institutions disapperared, they lost the Crown and the Cortes of Aragón disappeared, the unique contribution was a tax of 5% tax everybody from the former Crown of Aragón had to pay.
- The Cortes of Castile became the Cortes of Spain.
- Corregidores were extended to Aragón.
- Intendants, an institution of French origin with tax collection and mmilitary powers
- The country was divided into 21 provinces during his government.
- Also the cabinet appeared.
Philip decide to adicate in favour of his first son Louis I who only reigned for 6th months.
When Louis died, Philip was forced to return to the throne.
When he died in 1746, his second son, Ferdinand VI became king.
Ferdinand only reigned for 31 years.
He (normally) was a normal peerson but when his wife died, he became crazy.
During his reign; some competent ministers worked for him like the Marquis of Ensenada and Carvajal.
The Ensenada Cadastre was a project to extend(ed) the unique contribution to Castile, but was rejected by the privileged.
The Navy was reformed to improve the control of the Indies.
When we died, his half'-brother Charles III became the king.
Charles had been king of Naples for 20 years.
At the beginning of his reign, he had problems in his government.
In 1766 there was a revolt called Esquilache Riots.
This revolt wanted to eliminated the ordinance on clothing and the lowering of staples. The ordinance on clothing was promoted by Esquilache because he thought that is a good way to preventing crimes. But after the riot, the ordinance was eliminated by Charles III.
Mood- estado de ánimo.
Euphoric- euforia
Remorse- remordimientos
Roller-Coaster- montaña rusa.
Contribution- única contribución.
Esquilache Riots- el motín de Esquilache.
Streetlights- farolas.
See you soon!!
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
This day in history: Signature of the Peace of the Pyrenees
Hi, classmates! Today I want to explain you ''The Treaty of the Pyrenees''.
The Treaty of the Pyrenees was signed on 7 November 1659 to end the war between France and the Hispanic Monarchy. This was a war that was initially a part of the wider Thirty Year's War. It was signed on Pheasant Island, a river island on the border between the two countries which has remained a French-Spanish condominium since the treaty. The kings Louis XIV of France and Philip IV of Spain were represented by their representatives .
In this photo you can see the geopolitical effects of the Treaty of Pyrenees.
In 1660, most of the European continent was at peace and the Bourbons had prevailed over the Habsburgs. In the Pyrenees, the treaty resulted in the establishment of border customs and restriction of free cross-border flow of people and goods.
This is a medal celebrating the Treaty
Finally, France annexed territories on both its northern and southern borders.
aid- ayuda
The Treaty of the Pyrenees was signed on 7 November 1659 to end the war between France and the Hispanic Monarchy. This was a war that was initially a part of the wider Thirty Year's War. It was signed on Pheasant Island, a river island on the border between the two countries which has remained a French-Spanish condominium since the treaty. The kings Louis XIV of France and Philip IV of Spain were represented by their representatives .
France entered the Thirty Years' War after the Spanish Habsburg victories . By 1640 France began to interfere in Spanish politics, aiding the revolt in Catalonia, while Spain in response aided the Fronde revolt in France in 1648. During the negotiations for the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, France gained the Sundgau and cut off Spanish access to the Netherlands from Austria, leading to open warfare between the French and Spanish.
After over ten years of war, an Anglo-French alliance was victorious at the Battle of the Dunes in 1658 and peace was settled by means of this treaty in 1659.
After over ten years of war, an Anglo-French alliance was victorious at the Battle of the Dunes in 1658 and peace was settled by means of this treaty in 1659.
This is a medal celebrating the Treaty
Finally, France annexed territories on both its northern and southern borders.
aid- ayuda
17th november 2015
Hi, it's Manal, today in social sciences we haven't studied Spain in the 18th century, we have dedicated the class to debate and give our opinion about the attack in Paris.
All my clasmates have the same opinion, people think that the attack is related with the Muslims, but we think that it is not related with them,because they belong to a religion called Islam, and the meaning of this word is peace,so the people who have caused this attack aren't Muslims.
I think that the reasons for this attack are political, economic and geo-strategic reasons and I guess that it also is related with the state and the government.
We think that they are bad people, but we are bad as them, because Spain sell weapons to other countries, and this is not good, so we are participating in the attacks.
In class we have also debated about how we can change this? For example:
I can't change anything alone, but I can change my own life, then
I have to try that my friends and classmates also change themselves, and in this way we can change a small thing. Evenit is a small thing, a lot of small things make a big thing.
But people don't think like that.
When you ask people about the terrorism, about how to change it, they answer you many things.And there are three types of answers, three types of people:
-"I want to change the world and I will try it"
-"I can't change the world alone"
-"I don't care about it, my country doesn't suffer terrorism"
If we have this attitude we won't do anything.
I have found this picture about terrorism, what do you think?
After talking about terrorism, we have debated about the education.
We think that our education at high school is not good, the way that we study is not good. Teachers explain us the unit, then, we have to study a lot o things by heart maybe we don't understand some of these things, and finally we throw them up in the exam. Then we forget all the content about the unit.
Do you think that this is a good way to learn?
We don't have to study by heart, teachers have to teach us,but in a different way, not only copying, and we have to understand the content.
We have to be interested in learn.In this way, we learning and we don't forget the content.After this, we can do different projects, and we learn in a funny way.
Geostrategy,a subfield of geopolitics, is a type of foreign policy guided principally by geographical factors as they inform, constrain, or affect political and military planning.
Monday, November 16, 2015
16th November
everyone. It’s Lorena. I’m going to talk about what we have studied in today’s
lesson. At the beginning we were a little bit nervous about the incident of
Paris. Paqui has said that if we had time, we’d talk about it at the end of the
lesson, so that’s what we’ve done, but first I prefer to focus on the content
of the unit that we’ve studied today.
As always,
we’ve started reviewing the content of the last lesson. We have reviewed the
USA independence, the ten amendments and the constitution, the date of its creation,
which was not in 1776, but in 1787 (we have confused it with the signature of the
Declaration of Independence), the organization of the USA (federal states),
etc. I think it’s clear, but reviews are never bad for us.
When we have finished the review, we have started with point 4 of the unit: Spain in the 18th
century. While Paqui was explaining the points of the history in this part of
the history, she was writing everything in the blackboard. It was a kind of
scheme, but with more content than a brief summary.
started because Charles II didn’t have any successor. It doesn’t surprise me
due to his bad health of him. Anyway… In his testament, he wrote down the
people he wanted to be the king of all the Empire. The first one was Joseph
Ferdinand of Bavaria, but he died, Philip of Anjou was chosen to reign. He was
a French prince; Louis XIV’s grandson. The Habsburgs didn’t like the idea. They
had an alternative to change Philip for Archduke Charles of Austria, but when
Charles II died, the Bourbon ascended to the throne. Great Britain, Austria,
Portugal and the Low Countries didn’t like the idea. In the Peninsula, Aragon
wasn’t either happy with all this, so for that the war of Spanish succession
started in 1700. People from Aragon were scared because they didn’t want
Archduke Charles
Philip V
Joseph Ferdinand of Bavaria
Louis XIV
In 1707 the
Aragonese were defeated by the troops of Philip V in the battle of Almansa, and
they occupied Valencia and Aragón. Great Britain occupied Gibraltar and
In 1713,
the Archduke became the emperor of Austria, so for that his allies started thinking. They didn’t want absolutism, but if the Archduke won, they would have a reenactment of Charles V's Empire and they didn't like this. They ended the war with the Treaty of Utrecht in
The Battle of Almansa
Treaty of Utrecht
Philip V
became the king of the Hispanic Monarchy, although some territories of the
Empire were distributed among Austria and Savoy. Flanders, Luxembourg, part of
Milan, Naples and Sardinia became Austrian territories, and Savoy received
Sicily and part of Milan.
Britain kept the territories it took and they also broke the Castilian monopoly
in the Indies. Due to this, they could sell black slaves there and also their
The war
ended on the 11th September, 1714, when Philip V’s troops finished
bombing Barcelona.
This was
everything we have studied. After the explanation, we have started a conversation about
ISIS, the reaction of France towards the Jihadists attacks, people’s opinion,
I agree with
Paqui. I really like the way she explains her view points, perhaps because they’re
the same as mines. In my modest opinion, I think all this is going to end up in
the same place as every war finishes. It’s sad how people act and it’s even
sadder how they think about this: they think that every single Muslim acts in
that way, and they offend innocent people just because they’re not
educated and they have no information. The trouble with this is that people
with close minds have their mouths open. We all try to blame someone when all
this is due to everybody, and I don’t know how long this going to last is. The
only thing I know is that if this continues like this, we all are going to be
dead. Sooner or later.
About Islam, violence and solutions
You should watch this video. It's subtitled in Spanish:
Here you have a podcast in Spanish about the roots of violence and despair:
This is a cartoon in Spanish I've already seen, that summarizes how we should fight terrorism:

Not with bombs, hate, scapegoats or more fear, but with EDUCATION AND OPPORTUNITIES:

Thursday, November 12, 2015
Songs to learn about the USA Constitution and its amendments
Here you have the videos we've seen this morning and some others I've found about the amendments. Some of them are school projects and they can give you ideas for your song projects:
Melanie Griffith teaches the 12 interesting amendments to a group of very important people:
And this is the link with the lyrics:
School version of Taylor Swift's song Shake it off:
BILL OF RIGHTS (Disney version)
Melanie Griffith teaches the 12 interesting amendments to a group of very important people:
And this is the link with the lyrics:
The 12 Interesting Amendments”* - Hawes' History Class
THE AMENDMENT SONG ( by Rachel Clayton)
School version of Taylor Swift's song Shake it off:
This has been written by Mr.Crabtree, a USA middle school teacher from Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Yes, it seems that there are crazy history teachers on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean:
Hip- Hop style, from "Rhythm, Rhyme and Results"
By Smart Songs
BILL OF RIGHTS (Disney version)
These are extracts from different Disney film, from which you can learn about the first ten amendments:
And finally, another very funny school project from McAlpine Elementary School in Charlotte Mecklenburg, North Carolina, USA:
I hope you enjoy them!
Thursday, 12th November 2015
Hi! Today I want to show you what we’ve done this morning in Social Sciences lesson. At the beginning of the lesson, we’ve reviewed what we did on Tuesday. Paqui has made a short summary which included: the Reasons for the discontent, how they declared independence and the American War of Independence.
Then, Paqui has explained us the ‘First Representative Government of USA’.
George Washington was the first president of the USA. This is the only Constitution have had and it was written in 1787 and it included: It had only 7 articles. These articles were based on the principles of political liberalism.
The USA is a presidential Republic ( the president holds the power) and federal State (every state has important powers)
A big part of the population was excluded from these rights. They didn’t write any more Constitutions, but they have reformed it 27 times.
This is an image of the first Constitution of the USA
After 4 years they added the Bill of Rights to the 1791 Constitution which has been amended several times. Now it includes 27 amendments. Some of them done included the abolition of slavery, the right to vote for women, for black people and the prohibition of alcohol. The 10 first amendments are:
The First Amendment of the Constitution says . . . .
Freedom of Expression,
The Second Amendment of the Constitution says . . . .
Right to bear arms,
The Third Amendment of the Constitution says . . . .
No housing soldiers,
The Fourth Amendment of the Constitution says . . . .
Where’s your warrant please?
The Fifth Amendment of the Constitution says . . . .
Don’t rat on yourself,
The Sixth Amendment of the Constitution says . . . .
Right to a quick trial,
The Seventh Amendment of the Constitution says . . . .
Jury of your peers,
The first part of the Eighth Amendment says . . . .
They can’t raise your bail,
The second part of the Eighth Amendment says . . . .
The cops can’t hurt you,
The Ninth Amendment of the Constitution says . . . .
We have lots of rights,
The Tenth Amendment of the Constitution says . . . .
We the people have the say,
Finally we have watched a video of the
'12 Amendments Song from Born Yesterday'.
Mashup- song made by other songs, but about the same topic
France- (country) Francia
French- (people born in France)
Spaniard-(from Spain)
Spanish-( language or adjective)
Amendment- enmienda
Novelty- novedad
Oil- petróleo
Fulfill- cumplir
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