
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tuesday, 9th of December

Today, in Social Sciences class we habe review the scheme that Paqui has written the last class:
Stages of the French Revolution:

  • Moderate Stage is divided into the National Constcuntent Assembly (1789-1791) and the National legislative Assembly (1791-1792)
  • Radical Stage is divided into Girandist Convention (11792-1793) and Jacobin Convention (1793-1794)  and that form the Reign of Terror.
  • Thermidorian reaction (conservative stage), Directory (1794-1799)
  • Napoleonic Era (1799-1815)
Then, Paqui has written a small scheme about the first point of the other scheme. We have started the presentation about the French Rrevolution and the Napoleonic Era. The causes of the Revolution were:
-Economic crisis.
-Financial crisis.
-Discontent of the bourgeois.
-Included of the ideas of Enlightenment.
The call of the estates general:
The priviledged demanded the call of the Estates general to discuss the tax reform. The Estates General hadn´t been called since 1614. Before the meeting, the demands of the differents estates were collected in books of grievances. We also have seen the End of the Ancient Régime the 4th of August of 1789. The national Contituent Assembly published the Declaration of the Rights of the Man and of the Critizen. Abolished feudalism. These two documents meant the end of the Ancien Régime in France.The Constituent Assembly inspired on the principles of political liberanism:
-Constitutional Monarchy.
-Division of powers.
-Census suffrage.
-Veto power for the king.
We also have seen the Flight to Varannes in which Louis XVI try to flee to Austria but he was caught  at Varannes and was send back to París. There were two different types of political factions:

  • Constitutional Monarchists: The most important political factions were: Barvane, Lameth and La Fayette.
  • Republicans: Here we can differenciate two types: Girondists:Vergniaud, Brissot and Ducos; and the Jacobins: Robespierre, Danton and Saint Just.
We have speaked about Sans Culottes that were a grupo of workers who supported the most radical reforms. They didn´t wear the fashionable culottes, but pantalons.
To finish, we have seen the end of the Monarchy, the Democratic Republic, the National convention, the Louis XVI´s trial and execution and the Jacobin Convention.We have added to the glossary new words like: 
  • Censun suffrage (sufragio censitario)
  • Unniversal suffrage (sufragio universal)
  • In instantments (en plazo)
  • To sell at auction (en subasta)
  • Guilg (gremimo)
  • Flight (fuga)
  • Girondist (Girondino)
  • Jacobin (Jacobino)
  • Sams Culottes (sin calzones)
  • Brother in law (cuñado)
We have defined the Censun suffrage, only those who have a certain levelof weath have the right vote.
To finish the class, Paqui has said to us to do exercises 6,7,8 and 9 of page 22.

And remember, we have to give our notebooks to paqui on Thuersday, the same day as the exam!!!!

Finally, I attached one photo about Sans Coulottes: 



  1. Include the source of the picture, please. And this is not attachinfg a picture (attach means "adjuntar" on an e-mail and what you've done is "include"). Bye.

  2. Hello Andreea! Your journal is very complete."notebooks to paqui on Thuersday, you have written "paqui" with small letter.

  3. Hello, Andrea,

    These are my corrections. You have to be carewful with spelling:

    Today, in Social Sciences class we have reviewed the scheme that Paqui wrote the last class:
    Stages of the French Revolution:
    • Moderate Stage is divided into the National ConstituentAssembly (1789-1791) and the National Legislative Assembly (1791-1792)
    • Radical Stage is divided into Girondist Convention (11792-1793) and Jacobin Convention (1793-1794), including the Reign of Terror.
    • Thermidorian reaction (conservative stage), Directory (1794-1799)
    • Napoleonic Era (1799-1815)
    Then, Paqui has written a small scheme about the first point of the other scheme. We have started the presentation about the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Era. The causes of the Revolution were:
    -Economic crisis.
    -Financial crisis.
    -Discontent of the bourgeois.
    -Included of the ideas of Enlightenment.
    The call of the estates general:
    The privileged demanded the call of the Estates General to discuss the tax reform. The Estates General hadn´t been called since 1614. Before the meeting, the demands of the different estates were collected in books of grievances. We also have seen the End of the Ancient Régime on the 4th of August of 1789. The National Constituent Assembly published the Declaration of the Rights of the Man and of the Critizen and abolished feudalism. These two documents meant the end of the Ancien Régime in France. The Constituent Assembly inspired on the principles of political liberalism:
    -Constitutional Monarchy.
    -Division of powers.
    -Census suffrage.
    -Veto power for the king.
    We also have seen the Flight to Varennes in which Louis XVI try to flee to Austria but he was caught at Varennes and was sent back to París. There were two different types of political factions:

    • Constitutional Monarchists: The most important political factions were: Barnave, Lameth and La Fayette.
    • Republicans: Here we can differentiate two types: Girondists: Vergniaud, Brissot and Ducos; and the Jacobins: Robespierre, Danton and Saint Just.
    We have spoken about the Sans Culottes,who were a group of workers who supported the most radical reforms. They didn´t wear the fashionable culottes, but pantalons.
    To finish, we have seen the end of the Monarchy, the Democratic Republic, the National Convention, (the) Louis XVI´s trial and execution and the Jacobin Convention. We have added to the glossary new words like:
    • Census suffrage (sufragio censitario)
    • Universal suffrage (sufragio universal)
    • In instalments (en plazo)
    • To sell at auction (en subasta)
    • Guild (gremimo)
    • Flight (fuga)
    • Girondist (Girondino)
    • Jacobin (Jacobino)
    • Sans Culottes (sin calzones)
    • Brother in law (cuñado)
    We have defined the Census suffrage, only those who have a certain level of wealth had the right to vote.
    To finish the class, Paqui has said to us to do exercises 6,7,8 and 9 of page 22.

    And remember, we have to give our notebooks to Paqui on Thursday, the same day as the exam!!!!

    Finally, I’m attaching one photo about Sans Culottes:

    That's all.
