Hello everyone, I'm Maria M.
At the beginning of the class, Paqui has told us how to upload the videos on the internet. Also Paqui has told us to do a new project: it consist to do a story about the industrial revolution, it is very similar to the travel journal we did in the last term.
Then Paqui has explained us the agricultural revolution which is the changes introduced by farmers to produce more.
This revolution happened because population growth created a bigger demand for all kind of products like food or raw materials
The main changes were
-Extension of cultivated lands; many farmers occupied communal lands and enclosed them to increase the land they cultivated.
-Inventions and innovations:
*Norfolk four field system of crop rotation
*Mechanization works with some invetions: seed drill (invented by Jethro Tull), Rotherham plough (invented by Joseph Foljambe) and thresting machine (invented by Andrew Makle).
-Selective breeding improve stockebreeding: more and better animals. Robert Bakewell improved.
The consequences of this revolution were;
-More population as a consequence of the increase of production and the improvements in diet.
-Surplus of farmers as a consequence of the mechanization of some nortes. These farmers had to migrate other places in serch of work,
At the end of the class Paqui has told us to do homework about the 1st industrial revolution:
-inventions and innovations
-industries that developed most
endosure: cercamiento
communal lands: tierras comunales
four fiel system of crop rotation: rotación cuaternal o sistema Norfolk
folder crops: cultivos forrajeros
manure: estiércol
rijegrass; ballico
threshing machine: trilladora mecánica
breed: criar, raza de animales
*The photos are from Paqui's presentation.
Hello María, I've been reading your journal. I think you have written everything we have studied today. I've found some mistakes like for example in paragraph four, revolution*, not revolurion. I think these are mistakes that everybody with a computer can make but you should change them hahaha. Maybe you can also include some pictures :) ♥ see you!
ReplyDeletePlease, where are the pictures?
ReplyDeleteAnd we have also talked about a possible new project. You haven't said anything about this.
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ReplyDeleteHere you have my corrections.
- You should explain the Norfolk system
- You should look for the pictures on your own, not copy the ones from the presentations.
These are the grammar and spelling mistakes:
At the beginning of the class, Paqui has told us how to upload the videos on the internet. Also Paqui has told us to do a new project: it consists of writing a story about the industrial revolution, it is very similar to the travel journal we did in the last term.
Then Paqui has explained us the agricultural revolution which were the changes introduced by farmers to produce more.
*Mechanization of some works with some inventions: seed drill (invented by Jethro Tull), Rotherham plough (invented by Joseph Foljambe) and threshing machine (invented by Andrew Meikle).
Selective breeding improved stockbreeding: more and better quality animals. Robert Bakewell improved.
-Surplus of farmers as a consequence of the mechanization of some works. These farmers had to migrate other places in search of work,
At the end of the class Paqui has told us to do some homework about the 1st industrial revolution:
enclosure: cercamiento
four field system of crop rotation: rotación cuattrienal o sistema Norfolk
fodder crops: cultivos forrajeros
ryegrass; ballico
Sorry, cuatrienal, with only one T.
ReplyDeleteYou didn't add the sources of the pictures. You have to pay more attention.