
Sunday, April 26, 2015

Friday, 24th April of 2015

Hello everybody!

Today in the class of Social Sciences we have corrected the scheme of the features of Schlieffen Plan (1905):
- New and deadlier armament.
- Civil population became war target.
- War economy.
- Governments of national unity.
- Constant use of propaganda.

Then Paqui has read an example of a letter, from a military how they spent the days there. After this she has putted a scheme in the blackboard of the World War 1 (1914-1918), to development them.
- War of Movemen (1914)
- War of Attrition (1915-1916)
- 1917 Crisis
- End of the War (1918)

Finaly of the class, we have copied from the blackboard the glossary of today: 
leaflet - folleto
pamphlet - panfleto
loaf - rebanada
allowance - prestación, beneficio, dieta
war bonds - bonos de guerra
war of movement - guerra de movimientos
cliché - tópico
war of attrition -  guerra de desgaste
trenches warfare - guerra de trincheras
trench - trinchera
Eastern front - frente oriental
Western front - frente occidental
to dig - cavar

Here you have a video of the World War One:

Goodbye boys and girls!

1 comment:

  1. Helloo,

    I think you could have explained more about the content of the lesson. The Schlieffen Plan is different from the features of the war. Don't mix it.

    These are my corrections.

    Today in the class of Social Sciences we have corrected the scheme of the features of World War 1:
    - New and deadlier armament.
    - Civil population became war target.
    - War economy.
    - Governments of national unity.
    - Constant use of propaganda.

    Then Paqui has read an example of a letter, from a soldier, where he explained how they spent the days there. After this she has written a scheme on the blackboard of the World War 1 (1914-1918), to complete them.
    - War of Movement (1914)
    - War of Attrition (1915-1916)
    - 1917 Crisis
    - End of the War (1918)

    At the end of the lesson, we have copied the glossary of today from the blackboard:

    The video is a good contribution., Bye!
