
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Thursday 5th of February of 2015

Today was the last lesson before the exam. At the beggining of the lesson, Amalia and other people have asked questions about the tomorrow's exam. After this, we have continued wigh the industrial revolution. We had homework for today: complete the scheme about the changues in production and transport revolution, because we don't had time in Monday's lesson. On this scheme we have completed Different sections. In the industries that developed most (textile industry and iron and steel industry), we have seen on the digitalboard some examples about this. Paqui has explained some inventions that appeared in this time. For example in textile industry the flyiung shuttle, by kye, and the power loom, bye Edmund Cartwright. In the iron and steel industry we have seen the Bessemer converter and the blast finnances. At the middle of the class, we have learnt the consequences of this innovations. In general the production increased and the prices decreased. At the end of the class, Paqui have explained us the transport revolution. We haven't seen all because we haven't had enough time, but we have seen the beggining and the risk of the rise of CO2 in the atmosphere.

 -Also we have copied some words of the glossary:
-Cotton fabric: Tejido de algodón
-Fabric: Tela/tejido
-Weaving: tejido
-To weave: Tejer
-To spin: Hilar
-Engine: motor
-Power loom: Telar mecánico
-Flying shuttle: lanzadera volante
-Iron and steel industry: Industria de sidelurgia
-Blast finnance: Alto horno
-Bessemer converter: Convertidor Bessemer
-Amelioration: mejora
-Overcrawded: Saturado

Here you have a photo about the industrial revolution and the factories:

1 comment:

  1. Heloo,

    These are my corrections. Rewmember that you have to add the source of your picture:

    Today has been the last lesson before the exam. At the beginning of the lesson, Amalia and other people have asked questions about (the) tomorrow's exam. After this, we have continued with the industrial revolution. We had homework for today: complete the scheme about the changes in production and transport revolution, because we didn’t have had time in Tuesday’s lesson. On this scheme we have completed different sections. In the industries that developed most (textile industry and iron and steel industry), we have seen on the digital board some examples about this. Paqui has explained some inventions that appeared in this time. For example in textile industry the flying shuttle, by Kay, and the power loom, by Edmund Cartwright. In the iron and steel industry we have seen the Bessemer converter and the blast furnaces. At the middle of the class, we have learnt the consequences of these innovations. In general the production increased and the prices decreased. At the end of the class, Paqui has explained us the transport revolution. We haven't studied all because we haven't had enough time, but we have seen the begining and the risk of the rise of CO2 in the atmosphere.

    -Iron and steel industry: Industria siderúrgica
    -Blast furnace: Alto horno
    -Overcrowded: Saturado

    That's all. Bye.
