
Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thursday, 9th of October 2014

Hello everybody! How is it going? I'm going to write my first journal of the year.

Today in Social Sciences we've been talking about the economy and the price revolution. Paqui has told us that the arrival of precious metals (which came from the Indies) provoked a huge inflation because prices increased so much. That was because there was not enough production to satisfy the demand. Many products were imported from Europe and the wealth of the Indies wasn't used to develop a productive economy. We also know that the Indies were a Castilian Monopoly. The Aragonese economy couldn't take advantage of the Empire.

Then we've started another scheme about the conquest, organization and explotation of the Indies. Before starting it, we've read page 95 on our books and then Paqui has allowed us time to copy the information to our summaries while she was checking Pablo and Debora's journals. Most of us haven't got time to finish it in class so we're going to finish it at home. We have to add to our summary:
-The conquest of the Indies and its stages.
-The administration and its institutions.
-The colonization and explotation.
-The colonial society.

Paqui has given us the demographic impact of the colonization of the Indies, which means that the indigenous people of the Indies died because European people trasmitted them illnesses from the Indies.

We have also seen some Castilian conquistadors from the Modern Era like: Hernando Cortés, Francisco Pizarro, Juan Ponce de León and Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca (who has inexplicably made us laugh such a lot).

We've added some new words to our glossary:
-Fulfill: completar
-Gunpowder: pólvora
-Default: suspensión de pagos, quiebra
-Bankrupcty: bancarrota

And finally, Paqui has shown us some products which came from the Americas:


  1. Hello Marta,

    I like the idea of including a lik about what we have talked about in class.

    Don't forget to add the label of your group.

    I'll be back tomorrow to check the mistakes.


  2. Hello Marta! I thing you have done a good job. Your journal is very complete. I'm agree with Paqui that is a good idea to include information from other sites.

  3. Hi Marta! Your journal is very complete! I've look at the link you have include in the journal and I think that this information is useful to learn more about the demographic impact of the colonization of the Indies.
    See you on Monday :)

  4. Thank you girls! Yes Minerva, I saw it and I liked the web page so I included it on my journal.
    See you on Monday!

  5. Hello,

    These are mylast corrections. Erase the things in brackets and correct what you find in bold font:

    - How is it going?

    - precious metals (which came from the Indies)

    - The Aragonese economy

    - Before starting it,

    - Paqui has given us time to copy the information (in)to our summaries...Pablo('s) and Debora's journals.

    - to finish it in class

    - which means that (people from other places came to Europe)the indigenous peoples of the Indies died because European people trasmitted them illnesses (from the Indies: I think you didn't understand this. The Europeans brought diseases to America that were lethal for the indigenous peoples who lived there. Many people died there as a consequence of this. We saw a graph about what had happened in Mexico as a consequence of smallpox. More than 24 milion people died in less than one century. You can check the data with the presentation.

    - We have also seen some Castilian conquistadors from the Modern Era like: Hernán Cortes

    - Bankruptcy

    - some products which came from the Americas

    Remember:whose means "cuyo". Don0t mix it with which/that, which mean "que/ el cual".

    That's all. Bye!

  6. Ok Paqui! I've just corrected it, bye!
